Integra Boost 62%
The best method for keeping herbs fresh and mold-free is using Integra Boost 62% packs. The evolution of technology has delivered new and innovative ways of preserving dried herbs, and companies like Integra played pivotal roles in bringing solutions. The Integra Boost 62%'s two-way humidity control creates balance in enclosed packages containing dried herbs or anything that needs preservation.
What is Integra Boost 62%?
The Integra Boost 62% is a two-way humidity control regulator easily placed in packages to prevent them from drying out or excess moisture exposure. These humidity packs contain a simple salt-free solution consisting of water and plant-based glycerin. Cannabis operators typically seek 62% or Integra Boost 55%. However, the Integra Boost 62% humidity control allows more moisture to emit in dry environments compared to the counterpart at 55%.
What's so Special About 62% Humidity?
Demands for 62% Integra Boost packs are high in the cannabis industry because they've developed a highly trusted product that extends shelf life. Integra Boost 62% packs release more moisture than the 55%. It's a safe bet for storing cannabis in drier enclosed spaces. Integra Boost 62% ensures aromas, flavors, and THC levels aren't compromised.
How to Use Integra Boost 62% Humidity Packs
Similar to Boveda packs, Integra Boost 62% are easy to use to preserve dried herbs. They are straightforward to use. Add one of the humidity packs for weed in a package and allow the Integra pack to do the rest of the work. The Integra Boost Pack will release or absorb moisture - depending on the environment - to ensure that the quality of the flavor to aroma isn't compromised. Each humidity pack comes with a Replacement Indicator Card. Once the dot on the Replacement Indicator Card turns blue, then you'll know when you need to get a new pack.